Women's Assistance Forum

Given the stressors of a career in the aviation industry, matters that are specific to women, can in conjunction prove to be very demanding and stressful. At these times, maintaining a healthy work/life balance may prove exceedingly difficult. The Women’s Assistance Forum is intended to provide a mutual support and information venue for women in aviation dealing with these often highly sensitive and complex matters. The Forum will comprise of women pilot, ATCO and FSO volunteers who have had experience in their industry together with the challenges it presents. It is intended to help remove any real or perceived barriers to seeking assistance directly from those who have valuable wisdom to share.  

Pregnancy, IVF, child care, infant feeding, menopause, sexual harassment, female specific medical matters etc, whilst are not specifically mental wellness issues, can impact significantly on wellbeing if poorly managed. 

The Forum is intended to assist with specific women enquiries that do not involve significant stress, anxiety, low mood or mental wellbeing issues.  

As such, enquiries will be through the Female PAN Coordinator who’s role it is to direct the call as necessary, to either to a PAN PSV or to the Women’s Assistance Forum.